Colostrum is thicker and more yellow than milk. Its contents are different too, because it’s specifically tailored to your newborn’s needs.
Colostrum fights infection
Colostrum protects against infections because up to two-thirds of the cells in colostrum are white blood cells that guard against infections. The white blood cells in colostrum produce antibodies that can fight against bacteria or viruses.
It supports your baby’s immune system and gut function
Your colostrum is rich in a very important antibody called sIgA. This protects your baby against disease by lining his gastrointestinal tract. This sIgA becomes concentrated in the mucus lining of the baby’s gut and respiratory system, protecting him against illnesses the mother has already experienced.
Colostrum helps prevent jaundice
Beside protecting the tummy, colostrum acts like a laxative that helps your baby poo frequently. Frequent pooing also reduces baby’s risk of newborn jaundice. Your baby is normally born with high levels of red blood cells and when these cells break down, his liver helps to process them, creating a by-product called bilirubin. If your baby’s liver isn’t developed enough to process the bilirubin, it builds up in his system, causing jaundice. The laxative properties of colostrum help your baby flush out bilirubin in his poo.
Vitamins and minerals in colostrum
It contains carotenoids and vitamin A that give it the distinctive yellowy colour. Babies are usually born with low level of vitamin A, so colostrum helps make up the deficit. Colostrum is rich in minerals too, such as magnesium, which supports your baby’s heart and bones; and copper and zinc, which help develop his immune system and helps brain development.
Colostrum helps your baby grow and develop
Your colostrum contains numerous other components that support your baby’s growth and development.
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